Saturday 13 October 2012

NEC meeting to agree campaign activity in November

The National Executive Committee (NEC) is meeting on 7 November to consider important campaign activity over the coming weeks. 
On 14 November the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) has called for a day of action and solidarity in order to mobilise the European trade union movement against austerity policies.

article logoThe NEC will consider campaign activities for the day.

The NEC will also be considering a campaign plan involving a day of protest at the end of November against the coalition government's proposed review of civil service terms and conditions which threatens to cut basic entitlements such as annual leave on purely political grounds.

Further information will be issued immediately after the meeting on 7 November.

Thursday 11 October 2012

Fresh Tory attack on civil servants.

Fresh Tory attack on civil servants.

A leaked cabinet office reveals the latest vicious ideological attack being launched by the tories against hard working civil servants.

The document lays bear the full extent of the tories plans to dismantle the terms and conditions of hard working civil servants, and includes a number of family-friendly policies such as childcare, compressed hours working, flexitime, parental leave, part-time working, job sharing and term-time working.

The document also lists other policies that could be reviewed, including advances of pay, allowances, excess hours, weekend working, travelling time, eye tests and advances in money to pay for travel expenditure and subsistence payments.

The full document can be viewed here

 Cabinet document

Tuesday 9 October 2012

PCS guerilla lightshow



This anti-austerity message was beamed by PCS on to the Conservative party headquarters in London! Another high-profile building will be lit up in the coming days with
the same message… that it’s time to say no to the government’s austerity programme, and to get ready to demonstrate on 20 October.
A spokesman from PCS said, “PCS is proud of its reputation for leading the fightback against brutal austerity measures"
The union is supporting the TUC anti-austerity marches on 20 October and proposes an alternative based on closing the £120 billion tax gap, job creation, defending public services and investing in big, socially useful projects, such as housing, renewable energy and public transport.
“We are challenging the government’s slash and burn approach to the public sector, every step of the way.”

Wednesday 3 October 2012

Condem the Con-Dems @ O20

Austerity isn’t working!

Our country faces long-term economic problems. But our political leaders have failed to face up to them.
For the next five years or more, unless policies change the economy will not grow, incomes will not rise, and there will be almost no new jobs.
If the government keeps on with big spending cuts and austerity we face a lost decade.
Even on their own terms government policies are failing. Rather than deep, rapid spending cuts, we need to reverse our decline and build an economy that works for ordinary families.
PCS Wigan Branch along with 1000s of other branches from dozens of other Unions across the country will be desending on London on October the 20th to send a clear message to this unelected government of millionairs: "we will not pay for your crisis"!