Friday 19 July 2013

MPs sloped off early for their summer break

It looks like MP's are keen to spend their £7,000 pay rise and decided not to turn up to the last day in the commons before they broke up for their bumper 45 days annual leave.

When members in Contact Centres have found themselves in a disciplinary for arriving a minute past their scheduled start time and privilege days are being scrapped because they don't match what's on offer in the private sector, I think this shows that these government changes are pure and simply an attack on the working class.

Although one glimmer of hope we can take from this, given that this ConDem government are so keen to bring conditions within the government in line with those of the private sector, I'm assuming that 45 days annual leave and £7,000 pay rises must be common place within the private sector then (leading by example and all that) - so here's to 45 days leave next year and a nice £7,000 pay increase. I might be able to afford that upgrade to a silver caravan on my next "My £9.50 Holiday" (for those who watched the program on the BBC)

Friday 12 July 2013

Monthly Prize Draw


All PCS Wigan Branch members could win a cash prize each month in our monthly prize draw.

For a monthly donation of at least a £1.00 YOU CAN WIN A CASH PRIZE !

The amount of prize money depends on how many members make a monthly donation and how much is donated.
e.g 900 members =  £450!

Winning members will be notified and the result of the draw published on this page.

Please note - Members may make more than one donation per month, however a member will only be allowed to have one entry in each monthly draw.

George Osborne is convinced he has finally won the austerity argument

"he claimed that opposition to austerity was “crumbling” 

"It was the performance of a politician who believed he had won the battle and was waiting to deliver the coup de grace, or for the vanquished to throw in the towel."

"Osborne is so convinced he has won the argument on austerity, he is planning to go further - to impose another £23bn of cuts on welfare and departmental budgets in 2016 and 2017"

Let's show this guy how wrong he is - support the national campaign.

Monday 8 July 2013

Murray deserves knighthood - Cameron

"Cameron said Murray's win had "lifted the spirits of the whole country"."

I'm not sure if the 1000's of people facing eviction, having to rely on food banks or facing benefit sanctions would agree with him. Whilst its a great acheivement, I don't thinks its enough to lift the spirits of these people.

This just highlights how out of touch with the country Cameron and this government is.

Sunday 7 July 2013

Commons speaker John Bercow claims £96,000 in travel and accommodation expenses

"The Speaker was invited to address several foreign parliaments." - Just say no John

"The biggest single claim is £11,252.81 for a return business class flight for Mr Bercow and two staff to Toronto for the G8 Speakers' conference in September 2010." - Your a big lad now John, you'll be fine on your own

"As part of his role, Mr Bercow was invited to address parliaments including Poland, Greece, Germany, the United States and South Africa." - Again, just say no John

"His office said the vast majority of travel had been economy class, except for long-haul flights and where other classes were the best value for money or matched timing requirements." - John, they have a economy on all flights these days

Friday 5 July 2013

Give MP's an above inflation pay rise or they'll start fiddling their expenses again...

Give us a pay rise or we'll have to start stealing  
public money again - can you image if PCS
went in our pay talks and said we need a rise
or we'd have to go on the steal.

(a view of the world from an MP's eyes)