Tuesday 17 February 2015

Prepare for your 2015 End of Year Review

The People Performance end-of-year review process for 2014-15 is due to start in March or early April. 
Reviews have an emphasis on self assessment. Prior to your Review meeting with your manager you should prepare a self assessment of your performance taking account of:
  • The ‘What’ (delivery of objectives) and
  • The ‘How’ (demonstration of behaviours, competencies and values) with equal weighting using the performance wave diagram
  • The standards or shared expectations of performance set for 2014-15

Prepare examples of your performance

Prepare examples of your performance against objectives and how you have demonstrated the required competencies and behaviours to bring to your Review meeting. A reasonable period of time for preparation, during normal working time, should be agreed with your manager.

Prepare to discuss your performance

You should prepare to discuss your self assessment with your manager, using the performance wave diagram, for a suggested performance rating which is consistent with shared expectations of performance. Previous discussions should ensure that there are no surprises at the final end-of-year discussion.

Checklist for your end-of-year review

Your review meeting should cover five areas:
  • Performance – the “what” delivery of objectives and the “how” demonstrating behaviours, competencies and values of your performance using the performance wave diagram to inform a suggested performance rating
  • Giving and seeking feedback
  • Review development over the period
  • A brief summary of what was discussed and agreed
  • Agreement of objectives for 2015-16 with standards for shared expectations of performance for your peer group

Are you DD Ready?

DWP is ending ‘check-off’, the deduction of union subscriptions, from your wages, on 31 March 2015.
To keep yourself protected at work you need to act now to arrange to switch to pay your union subscription by direct debit. It’s easy.
Get a form from your union representative or go to pcs.org.uk/ddday and do it online.

Thursday 12 February 2015

PCS Wigan branch hit 90% DD ready! @pcs_union

PCS DWP Wigan branch today hit the 90% mark on members signing up to be ready for the switch to direct debit.

Check off ends in DWP on the 31st March with the first direct debit payments being taken around the 1st May.

If your not already DD ready join the 90% of your fellow colleagues in the branch and speak to a rep or switch online. If you switch online please remember to let us know.

Wednesday 11 February 2015

Sanctions and disability benefits

PCS is holding drop in sessions for MPs in parliament on 4 March and 25 March so we can explain the appalling impact of sanctions on claimants and DWP staff, and the impact of changes to disability benefits ESA, and PIP.
Please ask your MP to attend the PCS DWP parliamentary drop-in.
To get started click here

Friday 6 February 2015

LGBT History Month 2015 - Hidden Histories and Coded Lives

February is Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans (LGBT) History Month, when the achievements of people from the LGBT community are celebrated.
This year's theme is Hidden Histories and Coded Lives and The TUC has produced a list of trade union events to run throughout the month on the website with most events being open to all.
Since 1997 the position of LGBT people has improved as a result of human rights legislation. Transsexual men and women are now able to assert their gender on passports and birth certificates. Section 28 was repealed in 2003.
Since 2010 we have had a single Equality Act that includes sexual orientation and gender reassignment among its protected characteristics. A crime with a homophobic motive is now a hate crime. LGBT people can marry and enjoy the same pension rights as heterosexual couples.
The LGBT community have become visible in the media, from Saturday night TV and soap characters to dramas and documentaries. Out and proud gay and lesbian MPs sit in parliament in all the major parties. We have finally seen same sex marriage laws passed in many countries but there is still a long way to go.
The Civil Service published a report in 2011 that found:
  • 19% of LGB Civil Servants had personally experienced discrimination at work, significantly higher than discrimination levels reported by other groups. 31% of those experiencing discrimination directly attributed this to their sexual orientation.
  • Over a quarter of LGB staff felt they had been treated unfairly when it came to career development. However, only 16% had ever complained. Less than half felt that they could complain about career disadvantages experienced without it having a negative impact on their working life. The figure is even lower for transgender civil servants.
  • Experiences of complaint handling suggested a high degree of inconsistency from line managers in the implementation of discrimination and harassment policies.
The report also found:
  • Nearly half of transgender people experience discrimination at work.
  • 88% cite ignorance of trans issues at work a major challenge.
  • Transitioning at work is one of the main triggers for discrimination.
However the figures may be highly inaccurate due to the low number of staff updating their diversity data on Resource Management. This is also replicated by members not updating their gender and sexuality on the PCS Membership records. We cannot overstate the importance of ensuring records are correct on both systems to ensure the reliability of Performance, Grievance and Disciplinary data.
The DWP PCS Group along with LGBT Equality Advisory committee have put together articles to be issued throughout February, to celebrate not only high profile activists and figures but the people and staff that work tirelessly to ensure equality for all. The LGBT committee would also like to send thanks to Shaun Langdon for the many contributions he has made to equality over the last few years.

Thursday 5 February 2015

Sick Leave and flexi-credits

Employees decide whether or not they are fit for work not their manager.

Sick leave part way through a day

This PCS Briefing is provided to clarify key principles for Sick Leave in DWP following concerns raised by Branches where some managers have refused to award a flexi-credit when employees have decided to go home due to sickness part way through a day. PCS has clarified the proper application of Sick Leave and Flexible Working hours Policy in consultation with DWP HR Specialist Services.

Employee decides when not fit for work

Where an employee determines that they are not fit for work then this is their decision and any resulting absence should be treated as sick leave.
Depending on the nature of the illness it may be reasonable for a manager to suggest they spend some time in the sick room before going home to see if they improve. However if the employee insists that they want to go home sick then they are effectively ‘self certifying’. The decision to self certify is a decision for the employee in the same way as it would be if the employee phoned in sick first thing in the morning. The manager can reasonably ask a number of questions about the incapacity and what other options could be considered as an alternative to sick leave. However, ultimately it is not for the manager to decide whether the employee is fit for work, this is for the employee to decide.

Award flexi credit

Where an employee either chooses to go home on sick leave or is encouraged to go home by their manager this should be recorded on their record, in accordance with the Sick Leave policy, and a flexi credit should be given to make the employee’s hours up to their normal conditioned day. DWP Flexible Working Hours Procedure 3.1 tells managers that: To make the FWH scheme operate effectively, managers must: Authorise FWH credits for absences such as: Sick leave.

Aggregation and Spells

Attendance Management Advice Q&A 20 provides guidance for cases where, if part-day absences become a pattern, the manager can reasonably consider informing the employee that future absences will be aggregated and count towards their trigger point. Advice Q&A 31 provides guidance on when part day absences can count as a spell.

Advice for members

Members should contact their local PCS Representative where a manager refuses to accept that the employee decides when they are not fit for work and/or there is a refusal to award a flexi-credit up to the employee’s normal conditioned day. 

DWP Pay Survey

DWP is running a survey of DWP staff to seek staff’s views on pay.
PCS has been consulted on the survey. Although PCS has not agreed the wording of the questions, PCS believes members will want to respond to the survey to give management their views on the current state of pay in DWP. As many of the questions are unhelpfully worded with closed answers, members are particularly encouraged to use the final part of the questionnaire to express their opinions on DWP pay.

Reject 1% Limits on pay rises

The survey assumes that DWP will only have 1% available for a pay rise in the future and asks staff how a 1% increase should be distributed. PCS believes this is the wrong question. It is not possible for pay to be distributed fairly in DWP while the overall increase is limited to 1%. PCS encourages members to use the final box on the survey to tell management that they reject their pay being limited to 1%.
Pay in DWP has been subject to eight years of pay restraint. This has involved different measures in different years including:
  • Freezing the pay scale max (2008-09)
  • No pay increase at all to staff earning
  • over £21,000 (2010-11)
  • No pay progression (2010-14)
  • 1% cap on overall pay increases (2012-14)
All of these measures have led to our members facing a very real cost of living crisis. The real value of our wages has been eroded year after year and many members struggle to make ends meet. The solution is an end to 1% cap and the reintroduction of guaranteed pay progression and inflation-beating increases to the Min and Max.
At the same time we have seen the increases in pensions contributions that mean most members have seen no real increase in their pay for years. At the same time management continually demand more from their staff by increasing benchmarks and targets, clamping down on sickness and placing evermore restrictions on the numbers allowed access to leave at the same time.
Members should be wary of attempts to divide those below the Max from those on the Max. The interests of all members are the same. We need a combination of proper pay progression from Min to Max, guaranteed in at least 5 years, along with annual increases to the Max that ensure the rate for the job keeps pace with inflation and makes up for lost ground.

No to performance pay

One of the options on the survey proposes using the discredited People Performance system to determine increases to pay. We know what this would most likely mean. It would mean no increase to box 3s. Lower increases, or even no increase, to the majority in the middle box while the few in the top box take the lion’s share. PCS is firmly opposed to the use of performance in determining pay. We strongly believe that pay awards are for all staff and should not be limited to just some of the staff simply because of the subjective opinion of a line manager.

PCS’ Pay Demands

The real problem with DWP pay is the ongoing 1% cap on pay increases. Only when this cap is lifted will our members see the pay increases they deserve. That is why PCS’ demands on pay are:
  • An end to the government imposed pay freeze/cap
  • A Minimum 5% or £1,200 pay increase
  • Living Wage to underpin all pay policies and contracts
  • Pay progression (where spot rates do not exist) as a right for all staff.

Wednesday 4 February 2015

Notice of the Branch Annual General Meeting

Notice of the Branch Annual General Meeting

Date:          Wednesday 25th February 2015: 2pm

Venue:  Wigan Cricket Club, Bull Hey, Parsons Walk, Wigan, WN1 1RU

All members are entitled to attend and you should apply for time off through your Line Manager. Any member refused time off should speak to a rep immediately.
  • Additional travelling expenses and childcare costs may be claimed from the Branch. Transport can be arranged if required

  • The venue is fully accessible for members with disabilities. If you require any additional adjustments, including seating or dietary needs please inform your local rep. There are parking facilities.

  • Anyone needing directions should contact their local rep.

  • A buffet lunch will be provided prior to the meeting starting

The DWP has confirmed “reasonable paid time, ie a flexi credit of one hour and fifteen minutes for each member, to be used flexibly for attendance at Branch AGMs and Mandating meetings plus reasonable travelling time.”

The Branch are awaiting a reply from PCS DWP Group Office to confirm that these terms apply equally to our Brook Street Bureau members at Makerfield.

The AGM is your opportunity to make decisions on future Union policies and is also an opportunity to hold the Union leadership to account for their actions over the last year. Please make every effort to attend to ensure your voice is heard.

The closing date for motions and nominations is Wednesday 4th February 2015. Nominations or Motions received after this time will not be accepted.

Motions / nominations must should be sent by email to steve.finch@dwp.gsi.gov.uk or by post / courier to Steve Finch, PCS DWP Wigan Area Branch Secretary, DWP Roydale House, 2–10 Windermere Road, Leigh, WN7 1UT.


Motions in the following categories may be submitted:

1.    Branch Motions (to agree branch policy for the coming year)
2.    Group Motions (to be submitted to 2015 PCS DWP Group Conference)
3.    National Motions (to be submitted to 2015 PCS National Conference)

(Any member requiring advice on the correct wording of motions should contact Steve Finch (Branch Secretary) 


Nominations are required for the following posts; anyone requiring further information about any of the roles should contact Steve Finch, or their local representative.

Wigan Area Branch Committee (Number of posts available are in brackets)
Branch Chair            (1)
Branch Vice- Chair (1)                               
Branch Secretary (1)
Branch Assistant Secretary based at Makerfield (1)
Branch Assistant Secretary not based at Makerfield (1)
Branch Organiser (1)
Branch Treasurer (1)
Branch Union Learning (1)
Branch Women’s Officer (1)
Branch Health & Safety Officer (1)
Branch Equality Officer (1)
Branch Young Members Officer (1)

Delegates to PCS DWP Group Conference 2015 (3) [18th to 19th May]
Trainee Delegate(s) to DWP Group Conference 2015 [18th to 19th May]
Delegates to PCS National Conference 2015 (3) [19th to 21st May]
Trainee Delegate(s) to PCS National Conference 2015 [19th to 21st May]

** Please note – conference attendees will need to attend in their own time.

Branch Auditors (2)

Elections at DWP Group Conference

Standing Orders Committee (2)
Scrutineers (4)                                             
Group Editorial Board (3)
Group Women’s Advisory Committee (12)
Group Black Members Advisory Committee (6)
Group Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Advisory Committee (12)
Group Equality Advisory Committee (12)
Group Young Members Advisory Committee (14)

Elections at National Conference

Member Trustees (1)
Editorial Board (5)

TUC (6)
Women’s TUC (3)
Scottish TUC (4)
Wales TUC (3)
Scottish Women’s TUC (2)
Youth TUC (2)
Scottish Youth TUC (2)

A full agenda for the AGM will be issued on 11th February 2015. This will include any nominations or motions received.

Steve Finch                                                  Toni Matthews
Branch Secretary                                       Branch Chair