Thursday 4 April 2013

Support the action - advice for union members

This week members will have received a letter informing them of a further increase in pension contributions, this follows a measly 1% pay increase whilst the government is still thinking up more plans to attack our terms and conditions. Enough is enough. 

Your local PCS representatives in DWP Wigan Area Branch are urging you to follow the democratic mandate of your fellow unions members and support the action on 5th April.

We have received further questions from members on the practicalities of the walkout, and we've published specific guidance for Makerfield members on the timing of their walkout if they are scheduled to work beyond 4.42pm.

What do to in a call or interview at 1pm

PCS would advise not begin interviews or calls immediately before the action is due to start, however sometimes this cannot be helped. As you will be now taking industrial action you are under no obligation to finish the call/interview, disciplinary action cannot be taken against you for taking part in legal industrial action. Our advice is to inform the customer that industrial action has now started and you will need to terminate the call/interview, advising them to call back or that the interview can be re-arranged at a later date. 

Duty of Care - Health and Safety

Some PCS members, particularly at HEO grade and above, have raised concerns about health and safety and their duty of care as a manager as a possible reason for not supporting the industrial action. PCS recognise that this may be a genuine issue raised by members that usually support action. However, the duty of care is on the DWP, not individual managers, and it is for the DWP to make necessary arrangements during industrial action. Where there is not sufficient cover, or a nominated manager in place then the consequence is that the site will have to close. Please seek union advice if you are being pressured to not take part in industrial action.

Overtime ban

An overtime ban began from 20th March to 20th June. For the purposes of clarity overtime is classed as additional hours of paid work, usually at double time or time and a half. Overtime is not hours worked in addition to your contracted hours during the week. Contact Centre management appear to refer to access to flexible working as 'overtime', it is not. PCS will consider picketing overtime where it is worked in the branch. 

Picket lines - show solidarity

PCS local representatives will be picketing workplaces on 5th April. In Makerfield, the picket will be there till 2.30pm to cover those scheduled to work later. We are asking that you show solidarity and join the picketers (who are normally there from 7.30am on very cold strike day morning!) and join the picket, even if just for a few minutes. PCS representatives will be in the Tudor House from 2.30pm should you want raise any issues or join them socially. 

Hardship Fund

Please remember that Wigan Area branch has a hardship fund that you can apply to for the action on 20th March and 5th April. Please speak to a PCS representative for a form.

Not a member - join today

It's never too late to join the union! Wigan Area branch has 85% membership density, non members can pick up a form or speak to a rep at any time. We'd ask all union members to ask non members in their workplaces to join and encourage union members to support the action.

Any questions - please e-mail 

Please provide us with your home e-mail address to receive information on issues that we can't contact you about in work.

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