Tuesday 2 April 2013

Support the Action on 5th April!

A long weekend of industrial action involving all PCS members is taking place from 5-8 April.
All union members in the DWP will show their anger at the government by taking part in a strike starting at 1pm on 5 April to defend our pay, pensions, and terms and conditions. The government refuses to sit down and negotiate, so we must act. The latest action will build the pressure on the government after the tremendous success of the national PCS strike on budget day. Strike action on Friday afternoon will cause enormous disruption for the DWP.

Build for a solid strike

The sight of union members collectively walking out together is a powerful image, it sends a strong message to the DWP and the government, it builds solidarity among union members and sets an example to non members.
DWP PCS representatives and activists must give clear and confident information to members and ensure that you organise a disciplined mass walkout at 1pm. PCS have produced a guide to organising your walkout. To help you organise for the 5 April and get non-members to join us please read the, “organising a workplace walkout guide” on the PCS website at –

Walkout guidance

The vast majority of members in the DWP will walk out at 1pm. There are some exceptions. For example members scheduled to work on a rota or a shift finishing for example at 6pm or 8pm should calculate 3 hours 42 minutes back from the end of their shift and walk out at that time. Branches need to ensure that groups of members in these circumstances have a PCS rep to help organise and coordinate their walkout just as at 1.00 pm.
Members in contact centres on the phone at 1pm should end the call in the same way they would at the end of a shift, by telling the caller at the beginning of the call that they are only available until 1pm. Members in jobcentres dealing with appointments starting shortly before 1pm should also tell the customers that they are only available until 1pm.
Detailed guidance about these issues is in the April FAQ’s Guide on the PCS website at –

The impact of Friday 5 April on members pay

The DWP have published HR guidance on deductions from pay. It says – “A half day walkout is classed as unauthorised absence and an appropriate pay deduction must be made for any employee that takes part. On this occasion the pay deduction should be half of the net contracted hours for the day. This is the same for both full and part time staff. The half day deduction is regardless of the hours already worked on the day.”
This guidance contradicts longstanding policy which indicates that the department should revert to conditioned hours and deduction of pay should be calculated from, “the time the unauthorised absence commenced until the time the employee was contracted to finish work.”
The Group Executive Committee (GEC) has raised concerns about this with the DWP who have responded that this longstanding policy is only guidance not legislation and that it is in their view out of date because there are now so many different working patterns. The GEC will pursue these concerns with the DWP.

The impact of the guidance published so far by the DWP is set out below –

Members should flex on when they arrive. Go on strike at 1.00 and input a 3.42 credit for the afternoon. They will lose 3.42 pay. For example -

Flex on 8.00 am - 1.00 am = 5 hours credit
1.00 - 4.42 on strike = 3.42 hours credit
Total credit = 8.42
Loss of pay = 3.42 hours
Members working for example till 6pm or 8pm should walkout 3.42 before their finish time and enter a 3.42 credit. They will lose 3.42 pay.
The GEC has raised particular concerns about the impact on pay for part time working members working on 5 April but due to leave shortly after 1pm. It is clearly unfair for example if staff due to start at 8am and work till 2pm who walkout out at 1pm then lose half a days pay (3 hours) when they are in fact only on strike for 1 hour and could only get a 1 hour flexi credit. DWP have agreed to look at our concerns and the GEC will issue any further guidance as it becomes available.

Leaflets and demonstrations

Leaflets have been sent to workplace distributors from PCS HQ. Please ensure that they are given out to all members.
Branches should make every effort to organise demonstrations and rallies wherever possible with other PCS members in the town and with other unions show the alternative to the government’s mad austerity cuts.
If you need any help, advice or support please contact the PCS DWP Group office on 0113 200 5300 or at leeds@pcs.org.uk 

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